7 Chords used in the song: C, Am, F, Dm, Bb, Eb, D
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Transpose chords:
Intro: C Am F C
C Am F C
Baby sneezes, mommy pleases, daddy breezes in
C Am F C
So good on paper, so romantic, but so bewildering
I know nothing stays the same
But if you're willing to play the game
Bb F
It's coming around again
F Eb Am D
So don't mind if I fall apart
Bb C
There's more room in a broken heart
C Am F C
You pay the grocer, fix the toaster, kiss the host goodbye
C Am F C
Then you break the window, burn the souffl?, scream a lullaby
I know nothing stays the same
But if you're willing to play the game
Bb F
It's coming around again
F Eb Am D
So don't mind if I fall apart
Bb C
There's more room in a broken heart
C Am F
And I believe in love; but what else can I do?
I'm so in love with you.
F Dm Bb
I know nothing stays the same; but if you're willing to play the game.
It's coming around again
F Dm Bb
I know nothing stays the same; but if you're willing to play the game.
It's coming around again
F Dm Bb
I know nothing stays the same; but if you're willing to play the game.
It's coming around again
F Dm Bb
I know nothing stays the same; but if you're willing to play the game.
It's coming around again
F Dm Bb
I know nothing stays the same; but if you're willing to play the game.
It's coming around again
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