3 Chords used in the song: G, C, D
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Five Fruit Flies FlewG
Five fruit flies flew through three fieldsG
Thirsty for free flower mealsG
One fruit fly thought it's too farG
And hopped a ride inside a car
Four fruit flies flew through three fields
Thirsty for free flower meals
Three flies fought over where to fly
One swished away to a Swiss fish fry
Three fruit flies flew through three fields
Thirsty for free flower meals
One fruit fly flew far too lowA fast frog flicked its tongue uh oh
Two fruit flies flew through three fields
Thirsty for free flower meals
One fruit fly flew far too high
'til a sparrow swooped down from the sky
One fruit fly flew through three fields
Thirsty for free flower meals
It found a flower full of food
It slurped and slurped then burped how rude
That fruit fly flittered far away
But five more fruit flies flew that day
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