6 Chords used in the song: C, F, G7, Fm, Em, B7
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It's a rainy winter evening, water drops from the sky.
G7 Fm
The birds are off to find somewhere warm, to us they say bye-bye.
It's a rainy winter evening, children drink warm lapping tea.
G7 C
The tallest man who's 8 ft 2 , is soaked up to his knee.
Em B7
Rain, rain, rain, rain, the sky's not blue it's grey.
Em B7
Should be snowing for it's winter, then go rain in May.
It's a rainy winter evening, the ground is soaked all through,
G7 Fm
As the doves stuck on the ground, gently sing their little coo-oos.
On a rainy winter evening, that's when I wrote this song,
G7 C
All I saw was rain around me, and not a hail ball the size of a pin pong!
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About this song: Rainy Winter Evening
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