4 Chords used in the song: Cmaj7, D, Em, G
Transpose chords:
(verse 1) d(1x)
Cmaj7 D
Yeah it was kinda fun at first
Em G
Going round and around and up and down
Cmaj7 D
Never thought we'd ever get so tired
Em G
No, I don’t wanna do this anymore
1 & 2 & 3 & 4
d d
Cmaj7 D
This stupid seesaw, this seesaw, it's a game
. Em G
I’m just so tired, so sick of the pain
Cmaj7 D
This stupid seesaw, this seesaw, it's a game
. Em G
I’m just so tired, so sick of the pain
(chorus) d xu ux / d du ud
Cmaj7 D
Alright, this stupid seesaw
. Em G
It’s time to leave it and never look back
. Cmaj7 D
Alright, this stupid love game
Em G
It’s me or you - who will take all the blame?
Why is it so hard?
. G
Cuz I’m lookin at you now
. Em
While you’re looking at me
And I’m waiting for you but
I don't know how I feel
Can we please make it end now?
Em G
If you don’t then I will
I don’t wanna play anymore
now it's time to stop
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About this song: Seesaw (english)
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