15 Chords used in the song: A, A7, Dm, E, D, F#m, C#m, Bm, F#, G, G7, C, Cm, Em, Am
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Transpose chords:
A A7 A Dm A Dm E
A A7
If a picture paints a thousand words,
A A7 D
Then why can't I paint you?
Dm A Dm E
The words will never show, the you I've come to know.
A A7
If a face could launch a thousand ships,
A A7 D
Then where am I to go?
Dm A
There's no one home but you,
Dm E
You're all that's left me too.
F#m C#m F#m Bm
And when my love for life is running dry,
C#m F# Bm E
You come and pour yourself on me.
A A7 A
If a man could be two places, at one time,
A7 D
I'd be with you.
Dm A Dm E
Tomorrow and today, beside you all the way.
A A7 A A7 D
If the world should stop revolving, spinning slowly down to die
Dm A
I'd spend the end with you,
Dm E
And when the world was through
F#m C#m F#m Bm
Then one by one, the stars would all go out,
C#m F# Bm E A
Then you and I would simply fly a way
* Alternate:
Capo II
A = G
A7 = G7
D = C
Dm = Cm
E = D
F#m = Em
C#m = Bm
Bm = Am
F# = E
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About this song: If - Acoustic
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