Car Uke tab by Brand New

5 Chords used in the song: A, E, F#m, D, Bm

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Year:  2011
Key: A, F#mChords
A A           E E
You get the car
F#m F#m
I'll get the night off
D D A A E E Bm Bm
You'll get the chance to take the world apart and figure out how it works
E E F#m F#m
Don't let me know what you find out

I need a car
F#m F#m D D
You need a guide, Who needs a map
If I don't die or worse I'm gonna need a nap
Bm Bm E E F#m F#m A A
At best I'll be asleep when you get back

E E F#m F#m D D A A
I wanna see it when you find out what comets, stars, and moons are all about
E E F#m F#m D D A A
I wanna see their faces turn to backs of heads and slowly get smaller
E E F#m F#m D D A A
I wanna see it now
E E F#m F#m D D
I wanna see it now

A A E E F#m F#m D D
I want specifics on the general idea
A A E E Bm Bm
I wanna think what I should know
E E F#m F#m A A
Want you to do me what to show
E E F#m F#m D D A A
I wanna see movies of my dreams
E E F#m F#m D D A A
I wanna see movies of my dreams
E E F#m F#m D D A A
I wanna see movies of my dreams
E E F#m F#m D D A A
I wanna see movies of my dreams
E E F#m F#m D D A A
I wanna see it when you get stoned on a clouded, breezy desert afternoon
E E F#m F#m D D A A
I wanna see it untame itself and break its owner
E E F#m F#m D D A A
I wanna see it now
E E F#m F#m D D A A
I wanna see it now

Uke tab by , 23 Oct 2009

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About this song: Car

This is a cover of the Built to Spill song, Car, from their album There's Nothing Wrong With Love.

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