7 Chords used in the song: Am, C, F, G, D#, Gm, A#
Chords transposed Up 8 Half-steps. (Back to Original version)
Transpose chords:
Fm G# C#
For the love, I'd fallen on
Fm G# C#
in the swampy August dawn
Fm G# C# D#
what a mischief you would bring young darling!
Fm C# D#
when the onus is not all your own
Fm C# D#
when you're up for it before you've grown
Fm C# G#
Wo-oo-ah oh ah oh ah oh
Fm G# C#
from the faun forever gone
Fm G# C#
in the towers of your honeycomb
Fm G# C# D#
I'd a tore your hair out just to climb back darling
Fm C# D#
when you're filling out your only form
Fm C# D#
can you tell that it's just ceremon'
Fm C# D#
now you've added up to what you're from
Fm C#
Wo-oo-ah oh ah oh ah oh
B D#m C# B
build your tether rain-out from your fragments
B D#m C# B
break the sailor's table on your sacrum
B C# F#
fuck the fiercest fables, I'm with Hagen
Last verse
D#m F# B
for the love, comes the burning young
D#m F# B
from the liver, sweating through your tongue
D#m F# B C#
well, you're standing on my sternum don't you climb down darling
D#m B C#
oh the sermons are the first to rest
D#m B C#
smoke on Sundays when you're drunk and dressed
D#m B C#
out the hollows where the swallow nests
D#m B
Wo-oo-ah oh ah oh ah oh
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About this song: Towers
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