7 Chords used in the song: Am, G, Em7, Dm, C, F, Em
View these chords for the Baritone
Transpose chords:
Am G
Now You all know,
Em7 Am
The bards and their songs.
Am G
When hours have gone by,
Em7 Am
I'll close my eyes.
Am G
In a world far away,
Em7 Am
We may meet again.
Am G
But now hear my song,
Em7 Dm
About the dawn of the night.
C G Am G C G Am G
Let's sing the bards' song..
Dm Am Dm Am
Tomorrow will take us away,
Dm Am
Far from home,
Dm F G Dm
No one will ever know our names,
Am G Am
But the bards' songs will remain.
Dm Am Dm Am
Tomorrow will take it away,
Dm Am
The fear of today,
It will be gone,
C G Em
Due to our magic songs.
Am G
There's only one song,
Em7 Am
Left in my mind.
Am G
Tales of a brave man,
Em7 Am
Who lived far from here.
Am G
Now the bard songs are over,
Em7 Am
And it's time to leave.
Am G Em7 Dm
No one should ask You for the name Of the one,.
C G Am G C G Am G
Who tells the story.
Dm Am Dm Am
Tomorrow will take us away,
Dm Am
Far from home,
Dm F G Dm
No one will ever know our names,
Am G Am
But the bards' songs will remain.
Dm Am Dm Am
Tomorrow all will be known,
Dm Am
And You're not alone,
Dm F
So don't be afraid,
G Dm
In the dark and cold,
Am G Am
'Cause the bards' songs will remain,
C G Am
They all will remain.
C G Am
In my thoughts and in my dreams,
C G Am
They're always in my mind,
C G Am
These songs of hobbits, dwarves and men,
And elves,
G Am
Come close Your eyes..
C G Em7
You can see them, too..
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About this song: The Bard's Song
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