3 Chords used in the song: G, D7, C
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Love's Not Love (Till You Give It Away)
Recorded by Bill Anderson
Written by Glenn Martin and Ronnie Sessions
G D7
A bell's not a bell till you ring it
A song's not a song till you sing it
I believe what the wise men say
D7 G
Love's not love till you give it away
C D7
And there's nothing like giving love to you
C D7
You're my only dream that's ever come true
The Lord made you for me to love you love you every day
G D7 G
Love's not love till you give it away
A kite's not a kite till you fly it
A bow's not a bow till you tie it
I believe what the wise men say
D7 G
Love's not love till you give it away
Repeat #2
C G D7 G
Love's not love till you give it away
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