3 Chords used in the song: G, C, D7
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It Was Fun While It Lasted
Written and record by Bill Anderson
G C D7
It was fun while it lasted fun while it lasted
G C D7 G
But it just didn't last long enough
I just read the saddest letter and before I cry I'd better
G D7
Let you know I'll never stand in your way
I'm your old love he's your new love
But if you're sure he's the true love
G D7 G
I'll bow out gracefully and simply say
C D7
It was fun while it lasted fun while it lasted
Ours was a special sort of love
C D7
It was fun while it lasted fun while it lasted
G C D7 G
But it just didn't last long enough
I can't say goodbye with laughter but I'll promise ever after
G D7
When I think of you my lonely lips will smile
I'll be all alone tomorrow but there'll be no pain or sorrow
G D7 G
Just a happy thought you loved me for a while
Repeat #2
C D7 G
No it just didn't last long enough
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