9 Chords used in the song: G, C, Em, D, Dsus4/D, Am, C5, Bm, C#
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G | C | Em | C |
G | C | Em | D |
[Verse 1]
G C Em
Panam atin mata wedi kara dunna
G C D Dsus4/D
Hekiwunath bath mitak, daruwata kawanna
Am C D
Master sir mage himi thana denawado
Am C5 G G Am Bm | - | C
Ane sir, anukampa nosithedo....
C D G G Am Bm | - | C
Apa athare kamba adille tharange me
C Am D D C# C
Nima wennata kal gathaweido.......
C Bm Em
Ane sir, api mithuran wei...do.....
D C Bm G C
Eda dawase uda wewi do.....
D C Bm G C
Eda dawase uda wewi do.....
[Verse 2]
G C Em
Mata mathak wenawa, sudda thalu pelu heti
Api katha kale, pana gehi gehi danin weti
Am C D
Master sir mage himi thana mata denna
Am C5 G
Ane sir, karunawen salakanna
D C Bm C Bm Am G
Eda dawasa uda wewido oo oo oo...
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About this song: Master Sir ( Bns Version )
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