4 Chords used in the song: Am, G, F, C
Transpose chords:
Am G
How am I gonna get myself back home?
Am G F
Ay-ay, ay-ay, ay-ay
Am G
How am I gonna get myself back home?
Am G F
Ay-ay, ay-ay, ay-ay
Am F
We are the last people standing
At the end of the night
Am F
We are the greatest pretenders
In the cold morning light
F Am
This is just another night
And we've had many of them
F Am
To the morning we're cast out
But I know I'll land here again
Am G
How am I gonna get myself back home?
Am G F
Ay-ay, ay-ay, ay-ay
Am G
How am I gonna get myself back home?
Am G F
Ay-ay, ay-ay, ay-ay
Am F
There's a light in the bedroom
But it's dark
Am F
Scattered around on the floor
All my thoughts
F Am
This is just another night
And we've had many of them
F Am
To the morning we're cast out
But I know I'll land here again
Am G
How am I gonna get myself back home?
Am G F
Ay-ay, ay-ay, ay-ay
Am G
How am I gonna get myself back home?
Am G F
Ay-ay, ay-ay, ay-ay
F Am
The birds are mocking me
They call to be heard
F Am
The birds are mocking me
They curse my return
Am G
How am I gonna get myself back home?
Am G F
Ay-ay, ay-ay, ay-ay
Am G
How am I gonna get myself back home?
Am G F
Ay-ay, ay-ay, ay-ay
Am G
How am I gonna get myself back home?
Am G F
Ay-ay, ay-ay, ay-ay
Am G
How am I gonna get myself back home?
Am G F
Ay-ay, ay-ay, ay-ay I'm lost
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About this song: Get Home
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