Ukulele Tab without chords.

E |——————————-
B |–2–5–3–2—————–
G |——————2–2–2–2/4–
E |————————————–
B |–3p2——————————
G |————2–2–2–2/4–2–2–2—-
E |——————————–
B |–2–5–3–2——————
G |——————-2–2–2–2/6-4—E |—————————————
B |–3p2——————————–
G |————2–2–2–2/4–2–2–2—–
E |—————————————
B |–7–5–8–7–5–3–3–3–3–5—-
E |—————————————
B |–7–5–8–7–5–3–3–3–3–3—-
E |—————————————
B |–7–5–8–7–5–3–3–3–3–3—-
E |————————————–
B |–7/10–8-8-8-8——————-E |————————————-
B |————-5–3–2———————-
G |–2-2———————2–2/4———-E |————————————-
B |————–5–3–2———————-
G |–2-2———————-2–2/4————E |—————————————-
B |—————-7-7-8-7-5-3–2-2-3-3/5-5–
G |–4-4-4——————————–
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About this song: Kabira
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