Rococo Uke tab by Arcade Fire (Baritone Chords)

4 Chords used in the song: C, G, E, Am

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Year:  2011
Key: AmChords
This is from their new album The Suburbs.

Intro:C C,G G,E E Am Am,G G,C C X2
C C G G E E Am Am G G C C
Let's go downtown .... the modern kids
C C G G E E Am Am G G C C
Let's go downtown... the modern kids...

#It basically repeats like this throughout the song.

#Peace out

#Javier the Bobman

Uke tab by , 04 Aug 2010

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wardyssexy avatar
pretty accurate
16 Sep 2010
hallelujah avatar
i would like to see chords for the chorus, but what is here is correct
08 Aug 2010

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