7 Chords used in the song: F, G7, C, A7, C7, Dm7, Bb
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Transpose chords:
F G7 C A7
i really wanna stay up here for a long long time
F G7 C C7
i just wanna disappear for a long long time
F G7 C A7
but that’d get me yelled at, mom would be pissed
F G7 C
but living on a hill, i don’t think i’d be missed.
Dm7 G7 Bb F
what it must be like to stray away from society
Dm7 G7 Bb F
because sometimes at night, i’m watched by a deity
Dm7 G7 Bb F
and how the skies align, it just seems so right
Dm7 G7 Bb C
but to live upon a hill, is what i’d like.
F G7 C A7
i really wanna stay up here for a long long time
F G7 C C7
i just wanna disappear for a long long time
F G7 C A7
but that’d get me yelled at, mom would be pissed
F G7 C
but living on a hill, i don’t think i’d be missed.
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