7 Chords used in the song: D, Em, Em7, Gmaj7, Dsus4, A, A7
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Transpose chords:
D Em Em7 Gmaj7 D Dsus4 D
Don't waste my time. Don't waste my time
D Em Em7 Gmaj7 D Dsus4 D
Don't waste my time. Don't waste my time
D Em7
Another robo call is coming through
Em D Dsus4 D
Who are you? No thank you
D Em7
I get a spam call almost every day
Em D Dsus4 D
They won’t go away. So I say...
D Em Em7 Gmaj7 D Dsus4 D
Don't waste my time. Don't waste my time
D Em Em7 Gmaj7 D Dsus4 D
Don't waste my time. Don't waste my time
I’m in need of assistance
My internet is down again
“Scheduled maintenance” they tell me
Back online? They don’t know when
D Em Em7 Gmaj7 D Dsus4 D
Don't waste my time. Don't waste my time
D Em Em7 Gmaj7 D Dsus4 D
Don't waste my time. Don't waste my time
D Em7
Somebody holding up the left turn lane
Em D Dsus4 D
I’m going insane. It’s such a pain
D Em7
The light turned green so very long ago
Em D Dsus4 D
Don’t ya know. Ya drive too slow
D Em Em7 Gmaj7 D Dsus4 D
Don't waste my time. Don't waste my time
D Em Em7 Gmaj7 D Dsus4 D
Don't waste my time. Don't waste my time
D Em Em7 Gmaj7 D Dsus4 D
Pleeeease Pleeeease
D Em Em7 Gmaj7 D Dsus4 D
Pleeeease Pleeeease
D Em Em7 Gmaj7 D Dsus4 D
Pleeeease Pleeeease
D Em Em7 Gmaj7 D Dsus4 D
Pleeeease Pleeeease
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About this song: Don't Waste My Time
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