4 Chords used in the song: C, G6, Am, F
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Transpose chords:
C G6
I dont know why
Am F
I am so sad
C G6 Am F
My life aint all that bad
C G6
I dont know why
Am F
I hate myself
C G6 Am F
but daily i put myself through hell
C G6
Some days
Am F
I look in the mirror
C G6
And i see a girl
Am F
Who couldnt get any cuter
C G6
Some days
Am F
I wake up
C G6
And take all my clothes off
Am F
And wanna cut
C G6
But I know my skin is happy
Am F
Its all smooth and like a peach
C G6
And if I cut myself
Am F
I cant go to the beach
C G6
And i know if i have
Am F
Little scratches on my skin
C G6
My mom will get all sad
Am F
And say dont do it again
C G6
The things that i hate
Am F
Are things that i can change
C G6
And sometimes i forget that
Am F
And cause myself heartache
C G6
I just have to remember that im cute
Am F
And i got friends who really love me
C G6
And i love my friends
Am F
And thats really something
C G6
Some nights
Am F
I sit in my room
C G6
And take lots of pictures
Am F
Because i feel really cute
C G6
Some nights
Am F
I wanna take a bunch of pills
C G6
Or jump into the river
Am F
And hope that i am killed
C G6
But if I die
Am F
Everyone would be sad
C G6
My best friends, my siblings
Am F
My mom, and my dad
C G6
I just have to remember
Am F
That people want me here
C G6
And if I killed myself
Am F
That would be unfair
C G6
So if youre feeling down
Am F
And wanna go six feet under
C G6
Hit me up on Skype
Am F
Or send me an ask on Tumblr
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