3 Chords used in the song: Am, Dm, G
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Transpose chords:
I don't want to live in the past
So I'm looking 4 a brighter day
My homeland is right there behind the horizon
God almighty watch me sameway
Someone is judging my spirituality
Laughing at my meditation
Don't be afraid of diversity
There is no confliction
Blessed shall be the one who live in love, respect and dedication
Blessed shall be the one who live in love
Love you King Selassie
Promise you I'll keep your crown
Love you King selassie
No man will bring me down
Live in love and life shall bloom
God is waiting there
Don't be scared of where you're going
'cause you don't really now where
Simple people with simple life
We don't seek perfection
For many years we've been living in
one life of illusion
Love you King Selassie
Promise you I'll keep yoy crown
Love you King Selassie
No man will bring me down
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About this song: Diversity
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