12 Chords used in the song: C, Em, A, Dm, G, C7, F, F7, G7, Ebadd6, Fadd6, FM
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Transpose chords:
C Em A Dm G C
Baby, I need your lovin and your sweet, sweet blue song
C Em A Dm G C
Sway with me in the moonlight and I will love you all the day long
There's a kiss in
There's a kiss in
C C7
There's a kiss in the corner of my smile
And you can have you
Yeah you can have it
G G7
If you will make it worth my while
Ebadd6 Fadd6 C
Cool breeze in the summer, baby,
Ebadd6 Fadd6 C
And autumn in your eyes
Ebadd6 Fadd6 C
Fire in the winter, honey
And a spring that never dies
(Ebadd6 is just a barre across all 4 strings on the 3rd fret, and Fadd6 is the same on the 5th fret!)
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