Vitor Kley ukulele tabs

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There are 3 Vitor Kley Ukulele tabs and chords in database

Biography Vitor Kley

Vitor Kley (born August 18, 1994 in Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil) is an singer, songwriter and musician. His passion for music began when he was really young. Now living on the beach in Balneário Camboriú, SC, Kley's inspirations are the sea, the sun, the moon and the stars.-Vitor Barbiero Kley, nascido em 18 de agosto de 1994 em Porto Alegre, RS, começou com sua paixão pela musica desde cedo. Hoje morando na praia de Balneario Camboriu, tem como inspiracao o mar, o sol, a lua e as estrelas que o acompanham diariamente. Read more on

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