Play songs by The Avett Brothers on your Uke
62 songs (12 tabs and 50 chords)
Top Tabs & Chords by The Avett Brothers, don't miss these songs!
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There are 62 The Avett Brothers Ukulele tabs and chords in database
- mix A Fathers First SpringRate song!
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- chords And It Spread
- chords Another Is WaitingRate song!
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- tab At The Beach [ Rate ] Rate song!
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- mix Distraction #74Rate song!
- mix Distraction 74Rate song!
- chords Distraction 74 Part
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- chords Go To SleepRate song!
- chords Head Full Of Doubt Road Full Of Promise
- chords Head Full Of Doubt Road Full Of Promise
- chords High SteppinRate song!
- chords I And Love And You
- mix I Never Knew You [ Rate ] Rate song!
- chords I Never Knew YouRate song!
- chords I Wish I WasRate song!
- chords I Would Be Sad
- chords If Its The BeachesRate song!
- chords In The Curve
- chords In The Curve
- chords January Wedding
- chords Kick Drum HeartRate song!
- chords Late In LifeRate song!
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- chords Live And DieRate song!
- chords Live And Die
- chords Living Of LoveRate song!
- chords Love Like The MoviesRate song!
- chords Murder In The City
- chords Murder In The City
- chords Murder In The CityRate song!
- chords My Last Song To JennyRate song!
- chords Neapolitan SkyRate song!
- mix ParanoiaRate song!
- chords Pretty Girl From MichiganRate song!
- chords Pretty Girl From San DiegoRate song!
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- chords Swept Away
- mix Tales Of Coming NewsRate song!
- chords The Ballad Of Love And HateRate song!
- chords The FireRate song!
- tab The Once And Future CarpanterRate song!
- chords The Once And Future CarpenterRate song!
- mix The Once And Future CarpenterRate song!
- chords The Traveling SongRate song!
- chords The Weight Of Lies
- mix Through My ParayersRate song!
- chords Through My PrayersRate song!
- chords Weight Of Lies
- chords When I Drink
- chords Will You Come Again?Rate song!
- chords Will You Return
- chords Winter In My Heart
The Avett Brothers Albums
Biography The Avett Brothers
The Avett Brothers are a non-traditional bluegrass band that originated in Concord, North Carolina. The two brothers, Seth and Scott, formed the group after the breakup of the former rock band, Nemo, adding a third member, Bob Crawford. More recently, they have been joined by cellist Joe Kwon. The Avett Brothers combine old-time country, bluegrass, punk, pop melodies, folk, rock and roll, honky tonk and ragtime to produce a sound described by the Washington Post as "post civil-war modern rock", or by other reviewers as "grungegrass".
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