Play songs by Stu Larsen on your Uke

Top Tabs & Chords by Stu Larsen, don't miss these songs!
There are 2 Stu Larsen Ukulele tabs and chords in database
- chords Paper SailsRate song!
- chords Thirteen Sad FarewellsRate song!
Stu Larsen Albums
Biography Stu Larsen
Stu Larsen has no fixed address, no job, few possessions and little money - just a lot of generous friends who seem to let him sleep on their floor or couch, or in their spare room as he ventures onward. He appears to be on a journey of sorts, perhaps searching for something greater than can be found in one’s own backyard. The last months have seen him exploring & wandering all over the world. Through Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States Read more on