Roberto Goyeneche ukulele tabs

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Roberto Goyeneche
29 songs (3 tabs and 26 chords)

Top Tabs & Chords by Roberto Goyeneche, don't miss these songs!

There are 29 Roberto Goyeneche Ukulele tabs and chords in database

Roberto Goyeneche Albums

Biography Roberto Goyeneche

Roberto Goyeneche (1926 - 1994) was an Argentine tango singer who epitomized the archetype of 1950s Buenos Aires' bohemian life, and became a living legend in the local music scene.It was in 1944, at the age of 18, when the talented troubadour joined Raúl Kaplún's orchestra after winning a local contest, soon, debuting live in a local radio station called Belgrano. In 1952, Goyeneche teamed up with Horacio Salgán and with Aníbal Troilo in 1956 Read more on

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