Play songs by Relient K on your Uke
79 songs (5 tabs and 74 chords)
Top Tabs & Chords by Relient K, don't miss these songs!
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There are 79 Relient K Ukulele tabs and chords in database
- chords 12 Days Of ChristmasRate song!
- chords A Penny Loafer Saved Is A Penny Loafer Earned
- chords Always Winter (never Christmas)Rate song!
- chords At Least We've Made It This FarRate song!
- chords Be My EscapeRate song!
- mix Be My Escape
- chords BeamingRate song!
- chords Beaming [ Rate ] Rate song!
- chords Bee Your ManRate song!
- chords BoomerangRate song!
- chords Boxing DayRate song!
- chords Can't ComplainRate song!
- chords Candlelight
- chords Chapstick, Chapped Lips, And Things Like ChemestryRate song!
- chords Collapsible LungRate song!
- chords Come Right Out And Say ItRate song!
- chords Crayons Can Melt On Us For All I Care Part
- chords Crayons Can Melt On Us For All I Care Part
- chords Curl Up And Die
- chords DeathbedRate song!
- chords Devastation And Reform
- chords DisasterRate song!
- chords Don't BlinkRate song!
- chords Failure To ExcommunicateRate song!
- chords Faking My Own Suicide Part
- chords Faking My Own Suicide
- chords Faking My Own Suicide
- chords Faking My Own Suicide
- chords Falling OutRate song!
- chords Five Iron Frenzy Is Either Dead Or DyingRate song!
- chords For The Moments I Feel Faint
- chords Forget And Not Slow DownRate song!
- chords Forgiven
- chords Forward MotionRate song!
- chords Getting Into YouRate song!
- chords GibberishRate song!
- chords Give Until Theres Nothing Left
- chords Have Yourself A Merry Little ChristmasRate song!
- chords High Of 75Rate song!
- tab High Of 75Rate song!
- tab High Of Seventy Five PartRate song!
- chords Hoopes I Did It AgainRate song!
- chords Hope For Every Fallen Man
- chords I Am UnderstoodRate song!
- chords I Celebrate The DayRate song!
- chords I Hate Christmas PartiesRate song!
- chords I Just Want You To Know [ Rate ] Rate song!
- chords I Just Want You To KnowRate song!
- chords I Need YouRate song!
- chords I So Hate ConsequencesRate song!
- chords If You Believe MeRate song!
- chords In Like A Lion (always Winter)
- chords In Love With The 80s (pink Tux To The Prom)Rate song!
- chords Less Is More
- chords Let It All OutRate song!
- chords Life After Death And TaxesRate song!
- chords Like A Lion Always Winter
- chords Look On UpRate song!
- chords Merry Christmas, Heres To Many MoreRate song!
- chords Mood Rings
- chords Must Have Done Something Right
- chords Must Have Done Something Right
- chords Must Have Done Something Right
- chords Pressing OnRate song!
- chords PtlRate song!
- tab Sadie Hawkins DanceRate song!
- chords Sadie Hawkins DanceRate song!
- tab Sadie Hawkins DanceRate song!
- chords Sleepin' Part
- chords Sloop John B
- chords TerminalsRate song!
- chords The Best Thing
- chords The Lining Is SilverRate song!
- chords The TruthRate song!
- chords Therapy
- chords ThiefRate song!
- chords Thief
- chords Which To Bury Us Or The Hatchet
- chords Who I Am Hates Who I've Been
Relient K Albums
Biography Relient K
Relient K is an American rock band formed in 1998 in Canton, Ohio by Matt Thiessen (lead vocals, guitar, piano), Brian Pittman (bass), and Matt Hoopes (guitar, backing vocals), during the band's junior year in high school and their time at Malone College. The band is named after guitarist Hoopes' automobile, a Plymouth Reliant K car, with the spelling intentionally altered to avoid trademark infringement over the Reliant name.
Get ready for the next concert of Relient K.