Rasmus Seebach ukulele tabs

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There are 6 Rasmus Seebach Ukulele tabs and chords in database

Rasmus Seebach Albums

Biography Rasmus Seebach

Rasmus Seebach is the son of late singer/songwriter Tommy Seebach and has spent the past ten years producing and writing songs with his brother Nicolai Seebach under the name of Seebach&Seebach or Top Notch Music. In 2009, at the age of 29, Rasmus debuts with his single 'Engel' with an album following in the fall. The video for 'Engel' can be seen here In summer 2010, Seebach released his single "Natteravn" in Sweden and reached #4 on Swedish single chart "Hitlistan", #5 on Norwegian chart "Vg-lista" and the debut album "Rasmus Seebach" was #10 in the last week of July.

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