Modena City Ramblers ukulele tabs

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Italy ()
24 songs (3 tabs and 21 chords)

Top Tabs & Chords by Modena City Ramblers, don't miss these songs!

There are 24 Modena City Ramblers Ukulele tabs and chords in database

Modena City Ramblers Albums

Biography Modena City Ramblers

The Modena City Ramblers is an Italian folk-rock band, one which was founded in 1991 and has sold over 500,000 albums. Members of the band include: Francesco "Fry" Moneti (violin, guitar), Franco D'Aniello (tin whistle, flute), Massimo "Ice" Ghiacci (bass, vocals), Roberto Zeno (drums, percussion), Stefano "Cisco" Bellotti (solo vocals), Arcangelo "Kaba" Cavazzuti (keyboards, drums, percussion, background vocals), Luca "Gabibbo" Giacometti (bouzouki, mandolin, banjo).

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