Play songs by Lazy Town on your Uke
Top Tabs & Chords by Lazy Town, don't miss these songs!
There are 4 Lazy Town Ukulele tabs and chords in database
- mix We Are Number One
- tab We Are Number OneRate song!
- tab We Are Number One Part
- tab We Are Number One
Biography Lazy Town
LazyTown is a children's television program that originated in Iceland (where it is known as Latibær) that features a cast and crew from both the United States and Iceland. It was created by Magnús Scheving, a gymnastics champion and CEO of LazyTown Entertainment, who also stars in the show.Stephanie, played by Julianna Rose Mauriello: The character who inspired the citizens (and most importantly, the children) of LazyTown to get up and go. She is an 8 year old whose hair, outfits and accessories are pink. Read more on
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