Jorge Drexler ukulele tabs

Play songs by Jorge Drexler on your Uke

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28 songs (4 tabs and 24 chords)

Top Tabs & Chords by Jorge Drexler, don't miss these songs!

There are 28 Jorge Drexler Ukulele tabs and chords in database

Jorge Drexler Albums

Biography Jorge Drexler

Jorge Drexler (n. Montevideo; September 21, 1964), is a critically acclaimed Uruguayan singer/songwriter who resides in Spain, began his recording career in the early 90's but didn't experience mainstream breakthrough success until his seventh album, Eco (2004), and its Oscar-winning song ''Al otro lado del Río''. He comes from a Jewish family that fled persecution in Germany. He studied to become an otolaryngologyst (i.e., ear, throat, and nose doctor) like his parents but ultimately chose to pursue his passion for music. Read more about Jorge Drexler on

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