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30 songs (10 tabs and 20 chords)
Top Tabs & Chords by Iron And Wine, don't miss these songs!
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There are 30 Iron And Wine Ukulele tabs and chords in database
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- chords Flightless Bird American Mouth Part
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- chords Such Great Heights [ Rate ] Rate song!
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- chords Trapeze
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Iron And Wine Albums
Biography Iron And Wine
Iron & Wine is the stage and recording name of folk rock singer and composer Sam Beam (born July 26, 1974). He currently resides in Dripping Springs, Texas, outside Austin. He has released four studio albums, several EPs and singles, as well as a few download-only releases, which include a live album (a recording of his 2005 Bonnaroo performance). The name Iron & Wine is taken from a dietary supplement named "Beef Iron & Wine" that he found in a general store.
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