Golden Earring ukulele tabs

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Top Tabs & Chords by Golden Earring, don't miss these songs!

There are 3 Golden Earring Ukulele tabs and chords in database

Golden Earring Albums

Biography Golden Earring

Golden Earring is the best known and internationally most succesful rock band to come out of the Netherlands. Founded in 1961, Golden Earring has been active for 50 years non-stop. The current line-up has been together since 1970, which makes Golden Earring the world's longest surviving rock band, having been formed a year before The Rolling Stones. In 1961 George Kooymans (age 13) and his neighbour Rinus Gerritsen formed The Tornados in their home town of the Hague. The band's first line-up mainly played The Shadows covers and other instrumental tunes.

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