Play songs by Flemming Bamse Jørgensen on your Uke
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There are 2 Flemming Bamse Jørgensen Ukulele tabs and chords in database
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Biography Flemming Bamse Jørgensen
Flemming Jørgensen was born: 7th February 1947 in Randers. Died 1 january 2011 at the age of 63 from a stroke. Flemming Jørgensen was famous in Denmark as a vocalist and for his personality. His hometown Aarhus will especially remember him fondly. Flemming "Bamse" Jørgensen came by chance into show business in the mid-1960s, when some friends were missing a bass player in the pigtraad band Les Marques and he was later vocalist in the same group. Read more on
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