Fabrizio De Andrè ukulele tabs

Play songs by Fabrizio De Andrè on your Uke

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Italy ()
59 songs (7 tabs and 52 chords)

Top Tabs & Chords by Fabrizio De Andrè, don't miss these songs!

There are 59 Fabrizio De Andrè Ukulele tabs and chords in database

Fabrizio De Andrè Albums

Biography Fabrizio De Andrè

Fabrizio De André (1940 - 1999) was a leading Italian singer-songwriter. In his works he often told stories of marginalized and rebellious people, above all prostitutes, that were seen by De André as an answer to the bourgeois prissiness. De André was born in Genoa on 18th February 1940. His father was an anti-fascist, and during the war the De André family had to seek refuge in a country farm near Revignano d'Asti, in Piedmont.The family returns in Genoa in 1945. Fabrizio studied law at the University of Genoa, but left before graduating.

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