Camilo Sesto ukulele tabs

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Spain ()
6 songs (0 tabs and 6 chords)

Top Tabs & Chords by Camilo Sesto, don't miss these songs!

There are 6 Camilo Sesto Ukulele tabs and chords in database

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Biography Camilo Sesto

Camilo Sesto (Camilo Blanes Cortés, Alcoy, Alicante, Spain, 16 September 1946 – 8 September 2019) was a Spanish pop singer, music producer and songwriter of romantic pop and rock ballads in the Latino genre. Sesto sang in two pop bands during the 1960s and won a contest in a Madrid TV show. He played a part in the Spanish filming of Shakespeare's Hamlet. Later, he teamed up with singer and producer Juan Pardo, but success would come on its own accord, with his own music works. Read more on

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