Buena Vista Social Club ukulele tabs

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19 songs (5 tabs and 14 chords)

Top Tabs & Chords by Buena Vista Social Club, don't miss these songs!

There are 19 Buena Vista Social Club Ukulele tabs and chords in database

Buena Vista Social Club Albums

Biography Buena Vista Social Club

The Buena Vista Social Club was the name of a members-only music club in Havana, Cuba that was at its height during the 1940s. In the late 1990s Wim Wenders made a movie upon the initiative of Ry Cooder called "The Buena Vista Social Club." Wenders film centered on Ry Cooder's efforts to find and reunite some of the musicians who had performed at the long closed club. The film also portrays sessions from the production of the album released in 1997 also titled Buena Vista Social Club. Both movie and album were highly successful, and expanded the reach of Cuban music around the world.

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