Andrés Calamaro ukulele tabs

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There are 38 Andrés Calamaro Ukulele tabs and chords in database

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Biography Andrés Calamaro

Andres Calamaro is one of the most popular Argentinian pop-rock songwriters. A songs craftsman, as he likes to consider himself. Born Aug 22, 1961 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, he began his professional musical career at the age of 17 playing keyboards in Raíces. In 1981 he incorporated to one of the main bands of the Argentinean '80s rock scene: Los Abuelos De La Nada. Although the band was led by the brilliant Miguel Abuelo, Calamaro composed most of the band's hits, like "Mil Horas," "Así es el calor," "Sin gamulán" and "Costumbres Argentinas."

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