Play songs by 5 Seonds Of Summer on your Uke
14 songs (2 tabs and 12 chords)
Top Tabs & Chords by 5 Seonds Of Summer, don't miss these songs!
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There are 14 5 Seonds Of Summer Ukulele tabs and chords in database
- chords AirplanesRate song!
- chords Beside You
- tab DisconnectedRate song!
- chords Disconnected
- chords Eighteen PartRate song!
- chords Good GirlsRate song!
- chords Heartbreak Girl
- chords Heartbreak Girl
- chords I Miss YouRate song!
- chords Out Of My LimitRate song!
- chords She Looks So Perfect PartRate song!
- chords She Looks So Perfect
- mix The Sidewinder Sleeps ToniteRate song!
- chords Voodoo DollRate song!
Get ready for the next concert of 5 Seonds Of Summer.