10 Chords used in the song: Em, G, C, B, A, D/F#, D#dim, D/A, B/D#, D
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| Em | G | C | Em |
G B Em
I'm a high school lover,
C B Em
And you're my favorite flavor
C A(no3rd) C A(no3rd)
Love is all, all my soul
C B Em (D/F#)
You're my playground love
G B Em
Yet my hands are shaking
C B Em
I feel my body reeling,
C A(no3rd) C A(no3rd)
Time's no matter, I'm on fire
C B Em (D/F#)
On the playground love
G B Em
You're the piece of gold
C B Em
That flushes all my soul.
C A(no3rd) C A(no3rd)
Extra time, on the ground.
C B Em
You're my playground love.
| D#dim | % |
Em D/F# G D/A
Anytime, anyway,
C B/D# Em [break]
You're my playground love
G B Em
I'm a high school lover,
C B Em
And you're my favorite flavor
C A(no3rd) C A(no3rd)
Love is all, all my soul
C B Em (D/F#)
You're my playground love
G B Em
Yet my hands are shaking
C B Em
I feel my body reeling,
C A(no3rd) C A(no3rd)
Time's no matter, I'm on fire
C B Em
On the playground love
OUTRO (sax solo)
| C A(no3rd) | C A(no3rd) | C B | Em |
| C A(no3rd) | C A(no3rd) | C B | Em |
| C A(no3rd) | C A(no3rd) | C B | Em |
| C A(no3rd) | C A(no3rd) | C D | Em |
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