Play songs by いとうかなこ on your Uke

Top Tabs & Chords by いとうかなこ, don't miss these songs!
There are 1 いとうかなこ Ukulele tabs and chords in database
- tab Hacking To The Gate PartRate song!
Biography いとうかなこ
Kanako Itō (いとう かなこ, Itō Kanako, born March 28, 1973) is a female Japanese singer from Utsunomiya, Tochigi, Japan. She has sung many songs that have appeared in video games and anime. She released a best-of album, "ANOTHER BEST" on December 2008.Many of her songs have been for games by the game company Nitro+ (ニトロプラス), including the Demonbane series, Jingai Makyo, Saya no Uta, Chaos;Head, Steins;Gate and Togainu no Chi. Read more on
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