Someone Like Me Tab de uke por YLVIS

34 Acordes usados na música: Gmaj9, Cmaj7, Bm7, Bbmaj9, Ebmaj7, Am7, D7, Gm7, C7, Gm, C, Ebm7, Gbmaj9, Cbmaj7, Bbm7, Amaj9, Dmaj7, Gbmaj7, Abm7, Db7, F#m7, B, Db, Abm, Cb/Db, D, D/E, A/E, E, Bb/C, Fmaj7, Abmaj7, Dbmaj7, Fmaj9

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Tablature / Chords (Música Inteira)

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Ano:  2012
Tom: desconhecidoCifras e Tablatura

|Gmaj9 |Cmaj7 |Gmaj9 |Cmaj7 |

|Gmaj9 |Cmaj7 |

1. Verse (Boy):

|Gmaj9 |Cmaj7 |
People hug and give each other kisses

|Gmaj9 |Bm7 |
Holding hands and walking side by side

|Bbmaj9 |Ebmaj7 |Gmaj9 |Cmaj7 |
But every time I try to charm a lady she runs away_________

|Am7 Am7 D7 D7 |Gm7 Gm7 C7 C7 |
What am I doing wrong? - Is it the dubstep in my song, when I go...


|Gm Gm C C |Gm Gm C C |
Excuse me, miss, but do you like the dubstep?


|Gm7 Gm7 C C |Gm Gm Ebm7 Ebm7 |Gbmaj9 Gbmaj9 |Cbmaj7 Cbmaj7 |
Oh, will I ever find someone or will I die a-lone?______

2. Verse (Girl):

|Gbmaj9 |Cbmaj7 |
Endless streams of love letters and roses

|Gbmaj9 |Bbm7 |
Sere-nades from men with big guitars

|Amaj9 |Dmaj7 |
Famous men are asking me for dinner

|Gbmaj7 |Cbmaj7 |
I think I'll pass_______

|Abm7 Abm7 Db7 Db7 |F#m7 F#m7 B B |
Oh, where is my prince charming, who will cuddle with my hair and whisper...


|Abm7 Abm7 Db Db |Abm Abm |
Will I meet a man who also likes to...


|Abm7 |Amaj9 |Cb/Db |
I guess I'll never know_________

3.Verse (Both):

|Gbmaj9 |Cbmaj7 |
G G: Will I find________________________________________
B B: Oh, will I ever find that someone who...

|Gbmaj9 |Bbm7 |
can sing wu____________________________________
Can sing the wu-de-de wu-wu-wu wu

|Amaj9 |Dmaj7 |
Do the ring___________________________________________
I'll do the ri-ri-ri ri-ri-ri ring for you.

|Abm7 |
Oh my God____________________
Who is that singing?

|Db Db |D D D/E D/E |D/E D/E A/E A/E D/E D/E E E |
Someone who also like the dub the step, we both like dub-step
Someone who also like the dub, the dub we both like dub-step

5. Verse (Boy):

|Gm7 Gm7 C7 C7 |Gm7 Gm7 Bb/C Bb/C C C
I'll get down on my knees and ask you: "Will you mar- ry

|Fmaj7 Fmaj7 Abmaj7 Abmaj7 |Dbmaj7 Dbmaj7 Gbmaj7 Gbmaj7 |Fmaj9 Fmaj9

Tab de uke por , 16 Set 2014

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