6 Acordes usados na música: Am, C, D7, G, D, Em
Avalie a canção!
Veja estes acordes para o Barítono
Transpor cifras:
im just so tired
won't you sing me to sleep
and fly through my dreams
D7 G
so I can hitch a ride from you tonight
and get away from this place
have a new name and face
D7 D G
I just ain't the same without you in my life
late night drives
all alone in my car
I cant help but start
singing lines from all our favorite songs
and melodies in the air
singing life just ain't fair
D7 D G
Sometimes I still just can't believe you're gone
G Am
and im sure the view from heaven
Em C
beats the hell out of mine here
G Am
and if we all believe in heaven
Em C
maybe we'll make it through one more year down here
feel your fire
when its cold in my heart
and things sort of start
D7 G
reminding me of my last night with you
I only need one more day
just one more chance to say
D7 G
I wish that I had gone up with you too
G Am
and im sure the view from heaven
Em C
beats the hell out of mine here
G Am
and if we all believe in heaven
Em C
maybe we'll make it through one more year down here
you won't be coming back
G D Am G
yea yea I didn't get to say goodbye
I really wish I got to say goodbye
G Am
and im sure the view from heaven
Em C
beats the hell out of mine here
G Am
and if we all believe in heaven
Em C
maybe we'll make it through one more year
G Am
I hope that all is well in heaven
Em C
cuz its all shot to hell down here
G Am
I hope that I find you in heaven
Em C
cuz im so lost without you down here
you won't be coming back
G D Am G
yea yea I didn't get to say goodbye
I really wish I got to say goodbye
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