Jesus Etc Tab de uke por Wilco

8 Acordes usados na música: Am, Em, F, C, Dm, G, C/B, E

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Tablature / Chords (Música Inteira)

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Ano:  2002
Tom: AmAcordes
Afinação original: +2.5 passo(s) (afinação original)
Tab/cifra de progressão de acordes organizados para o Ukulele.
Intro: Dm Dm Am Am

Dm Dm Am Am Dm Dm A# A#
Jesus don't cry, you can rely on me, honey
F F Gm Gm C C
You can combine anything you want
Dm Dm Am Am Dm Dm A# A#
I'll be around, you were right about the stars
F F Gm Gm C C A# A#
Aach one is a setting sun
F F F/B F/B Dm Dm A A A# A# F F
Tall buildings shake, voices escape singing sad sad songs
Tuned to chords
F F F/B F/B Dm Dm A A A# A# F F C C
Strum down your cheeks, bitter melodies, turning your orbit around
Dm Dm Am Am Dm Dm A# A#
Don't cry, you can rely on me, honey
F F Gm Gm C C
You can come by anytime you want
Dm Dm Am Am Dm Dm A# A#
I'll be around, you were right about the stars
F F Gm Gm C C A# A#
Aach one is a setting sun
F F F/B F/B Dm Dm A A A# A# F F
Tall buildings shake, voices escape singing sad sad songs
Tuned to chords
F F F/B F/B Dm Dm A A A# A# F F C C
Strum down your cheeks, bitter melodies, turning your orbit around
A# A# F F A# A# F F F/B F/B
Voices whine, skyscrapers are scraping together
A# A#
Your voice is smoking
F F F/B F/B Dm Dm A A A# A# F F C C
The last cigarettes, all you can get, turing your orbit around
Dm Dm Am Am Dm Dm A# A#
Our love, our love
F F Gm Gm C C
Our love is all we have
Dm Dm Am Am Dm Dm A# A#
Our love, our love is all of God's money
F F Gm Gm C C A# A#
Averyone is just a burning sun
F F F/B F/B Dm Dm A A A# A# F F
Tall buildings shake, voices escape singing sad sad songs
Tuned to chords
F F F/B F/B Dm Dm A A A# A# F F C C
Strum down your cheeks, bitter melodies, turning your orbit around
A# A# F F A# A# F F F/B F/B
Voices whine, skyscrapers are scraping together
A# A#
Your voice is smoking

F F F/B F/B Dm Dm A A A# A# F F C C
The last cigarettes, all you can get, turing your orbit around
F F F/B F/B Dm Dm A A A# A# F F C C
The last cigarettes, all you can get, turing your orbit around
F F F/B F/B Dm Dm A A A# A# F F
The last cigarettes, all you can get, turing your orbit around

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Tab de uke por desconhecido, 02 Set 2009

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