13 Acordes usados na música: Dm7, G, G7, Cmaj7, Bb, A7, Ab, Db7, Em7, F, Am, C, Bb7
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Transpor cifras:
Dm7 G Dm7 G
Dm7 G Dm7 G G7
Cmaj7 Bb Cmaj7 Bb
She'll be gone before you've heard her name Yeah
Cmaj7 Bb A7 Ab
Like a moth that's drawn into the flame
Db7 Ab
You're not to blame (Not to blame)
It drives you insane (drives you insane)
Em7 A7
There's one thing on your mind boy
Dm7 G F Am G
Penny, Penny She is on your mind, all the time
Dm7 G Bb
Penny, Penny Oh it happens all the time
Ab Cmaj7 Bb C Bb
She will leave before the moment's gone
Cmaj7 Bb7 A7 Ab
Her love is fading like the setting sun
Db7 Ab
And you want to run (want to run)
Right into her arms
Em7 A7
There's one thing on your mind boy
Dm7 G F Am G
Penny, Penny She is on your mind, all the time
Dm7 G Bb
Penny, Penny Oh it happens all the time
Dm7 G Dm7 G
Dm7 G Dm7 G
Ab Db7
You not to blame
Ab Db7
Ah, gone insane
Em7 A7
There's one thing on your mind boy
Dm7 G Dm7 G7 A7
Penny, Penny
Dm7 G F Am G
Penny, Penny She is on your mind, all the time
Dm7 G F Am G
Penny, Penny She is on your mind, all the time
Dm7 G Dm7 G
Dm7 G Ab (lightly strum to fade)
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