Your Eyes Tab de uke por Vladimir Cosma

20 Acordes usados na música: Em, G, C, Am, A#, D, Bm, A#m, F, Gm, Cm7, Am7, D7, Bm7, Em7, A7, D#, D7sus4, E, Dsus4

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Álbum:  desconhecido
Tom: desconhecidoAcordes
Intro : Em Em G G C C Am Am A# A# D D

G G Bm Bm
Your eyes opened wide as I looked your way
A#m A#m Bm Bm C C
Couldn't hide what they meant to say
Feeling lost in a crowded room
It's too soon for a new love

Gm Gm Cm7 Cm7
When you smile, your eyes show your heart
F F A# A#
Lost inside, a soul torn apart
Am7 Am7 D7 D7 Bm7 Bm7 Em7 Em7
Feeling alone with people around
A7 A7 C C D D
True love is so hard to find now
Gm Gm Cm7 Cm7
You think you're so misunderstood
F F A# A#
I'd explain if only I could
D# D# D7sus4 D7sus4 D7 D7
Something tells me this time it's real
The way that I feel

Em Em G G E E C C Am Am A# A#
A# A# Dsus4 Dsus4 D7 D7

G G Bm Bm
Your eyes like the blue in the summer skies
A#m A#m Bm Bm C C
Caught my gaze as I looked across
Feeling lost in a magic maze
D7 D7
It's too soon for a new love

Gm Gm Cm7 Cm7
You can't hide that look in your eyes
F F A# A#
Open wide, you seem so surprised
Am7 Am7 D7 D7 Bm7 Bm7 Em7 Em7
Searching around for somebody new
A7 A7 C C D D
True love is hard to find now
Gm Gm Cm7 Cm7
When you smile, your eyes show your heart
F F A# A#
I feel mine is falling apart
D# D# D7 D7
Can't you see the way that I feel
My loving is real

Gm Gm Cm7 Cm7 F F A# A# D# D# D7 D7 G G

G G Bm Bm
Your eyes opened wide as I looked your way
A#m A#m Bm Bm C C
Couldn't hide what they meant to say
Feeling lost in a crowded room
D7 D7
It's too soon for a new love

Gm Gm Cm7 Cm7
When you smile, your eyes show your heart
F F A# A#
Lost inside, a soul torn apart
Am7 Am7 D7 D7 Bm7 Bm7 Em7 Em7
Feeling alone with people around
A7 A7 C C D D
True love is so hard to find now
Gm Gm Cm7 Cm7
You think you're so misunderstood
F F A# A#
I'd explain if only I could
D# D# D7sus4 D7sus4 D7 D7
Something tells me this time it's real
The way that I feel
Gm Gm Cm7 Cm7
When you're lost, your eyes show you how
F F A# A#
I should like to know I'm a part
D# D# D7 D7
When your eyes shine, I'll know you're mine
For all of the time

Tab de uke por , 20 Nov 2023

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