See You Again Tab de uke por Tyler, The Creator

12 Acordes usados na música: Bb, Gm, Cm, G, C, Dm, Bm, F, B, Ab, Dbm, Db

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Tablature / Chords (Música Inteira)

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Álbum:  desconhecido
Tom: desconhecidoAcordes
Okay, okay, okay, okay
Okay, okay, oh

Bb Bb

You live in my dream state

Gm Gm

Relocate my fantasy

Cm Cm

I stay in reality


You live in my dream state

Bb Bb

Anytime I count sheep

Gm Gm

That's the only time we make up

Cm Cm

You exist behind my eyelids, my eyelids


I don't wanna wake up

Dm Dm Bm Bm

20/20, 20/20 vision

G G Dm Dm

Cupid hit me, cupid hit me with precision, eye


Wonder if you look both ways


When you cross my mind, I said, I said

Bb Bb Gm Gm

I'm sick of, sick of, sick of, sick of chasing

You're the one that's always running through my day dreams, I

Cm Cm C C B B

I can only see your face when I close my eyes

Bb Bb

Can I get a kiss?

Gm Gm

And can you make it last forever?

Dm Dm Cm Cm

I said I'm 'bout to go to war


And I don't know if I'ma see you again

Bb Bb

Can I get a kiss?

Gm Gm

And can you make it last forever?

Dm Dm Cm Cm

I said I'm 'bout to go to war


And I don't know if I'ma see you again
(Uh, switch it up)

Bb Bb

I said, okay, okay, okay, okie dokie, my infatuation

G G Ab Ab

Is translatin' to another form of what you call it? — Love

Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, I ain't met you

I've been looking, stop the waiting

Dbm Dbm

'fore I stop the chasing, like a alcoholic

Bb Bb

You don't understand me, what the fuck do you mean?

Dm Dm

It's them rose tinted cheeks, yeah it's them dirt-colored eyes

Ab Ab

Sugar honey iced tea, bumblebee on the scene

Db Db

Yeah I'd give up my bakery to have a piece of your pie


Dm Dm Bm Bm

20/20, 20/20 vision

G G Dm Dm

Cupid hit me, cupid hit me with precision, eye


Wonder if you look both ways


When you cross my mind, I said, I said

Bb Bb Gm Gm

I'm sick of, sick of, sick of, sick of chasing

You're the one that's always running through my day dreams, I

Cm Cm C C B B

I can only see your face when I close my eyes

Bb Bb

Can I get a kiss?

Gm Gm

And can you make it last forever?

Dm Dm Cm Cm

I said I'm 'bout to go to war


And I don't know if I'ma see you again

Bb Bb

Can I get a kiss?

Gm Gm

And can you make it last forever?

Dm Dm Cm Cm

I said I'm 'bout to go to war


And I don't know if I'ma see you again

[Outro] Dm Dm Gm Gm Cm Cm B B x2

Okay, okay, okay, okay
Okay, okay, okay, oh
La la, la la la la, la la
La la, la la la, la la
La la, la la la la, la la
La la, la la la la
One more time?

⇢ Não satisfeito com esta tablatura? Ver 2 outra(s) versão(ões)

Tab de uke por , 16 Set 2017

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