8 Acordes usados na música: D, A, C, Dm, F#m, G, Bm, Dsus2
Avalie a canção!
Veja estes acordes para o Barítono
Transpor cifras:
D / A / C / / / D / / / D / / / (with suspensions)
Verse 1:
D Dm
She is the day that gives me time
To live and linger love my life
D F#m
Till night comes on with sundown scythe
To end the pause of pantomime
D / A / C D
She is the day of love
Verse 2:
She is the bridge on which I wait
To watch the river 'neath me flow
All spinning, surging far below
Along the deep and bending straits
She is a bridge of love
Verse 3:
She is the air I breathe entranced
Awake or sleep in storm or calm
A wind to wash my lifted palm
A sky that calls me out to dance
She is the air of love
Bm F#m
She is the day through which I walk
Toward the bridge where she stands
Bm F#m
She is the air I breathe to sing
She is a smile without demands
Verse 4:
She is a smile that keeps me warm
With matchless laughter, eyes ablaze
A mischief mystery she plays
Upon the flute of early morn
She is a smile of love
She is the air of love
She is the day....of love
Dsus2 / / / (x3)
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