Starstruck Tab de uke por The Scary Jokes

4 Acordes usados na música: C, Em, Dm, G

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Tablature / Chords (Música Inteira)

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Álbum:  desconhecido
Tom: C, AmAcordes
C C                 Em Em
Sylvia, you are a fugitive on the run
Dm Dm G G
Not sure from what
C C Em Em
Every day, you're like a different girl
Dm Dm G G
Who are you trying to fool?
C C Em Em Dm Dm G G
Sylvia, it's such a pleasure to know the real you
C C Em Em
Oh, I still get a little starstruck
Dm Dm G G
Baby you shine so bright
C C Em Em
And you still give me butterflies
Dm Dm G G
Oh baby, you shine so bright

C C Em Em
Sylvia, do I measure up
Dm Dm G G
To the monolith of celebrity?
C C Em Em
Though I do feel rather leviathan
Dm Dm G G
As a faithful shadow in your burning glow
C C Em Em Dm Dm G G
Sylvia, please tell me the rumors aren't true
C C Em Em Dm Dm G G
Sylvia, it'd be such an honor to meet the real you
C C Em Em
Oh, I still get a little starstruck
Dm Dm G G
Baby you shine so bright
C C Em Em
And you still give me butterflies
Dm Dm G G
Oh baby you shine so bright (so bright, so bright)
C C Em Em
Bright enough to light me up
Dm Dm G G
Bright enough to light me up
C C Em Em
Bright enough to light me up
Dm Dm G G
Bright enough to light me up (up, up, up, up, up)

Tab de uke por , 17 Dez 2019

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