2 Acordes usados na música: D7, G
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Veja estes acordes para o Barítono
Transpor cifras:
Verso 1
G They're gonna put me in the
C movies
G they're gonna make a big star out of
D7 me
We'llG make a film about a man that's sad and
C lonely
andD7 all I gotta do is act natura
G lly
Well, I'llD7 bet you I'm gonna be a
G big star
mightD7 win an Oscar you can never
G tell
theD7 movies gonna make me a
G big star
'CauseA7 I can play the part so
D7 well
Verso 2
Well IG hope you come and see me in the
C movies
G then I know that you will plainly
D7 see
TheG biggest fool that ever hit the big
C time
andD7 all I gotta do is act natura
G lly
Verso 3
We'llG make the scene about a man that's sad and lo
C nely
andG beggin' down upon his bended
D7 knee
I'llG play the part but I won't need re
C hearsin'
allD7 I gotta do is act natura
G lly
Well, I'llD7 bet you I'm gonna be a
G big star
mightD7 win an Oscar you can never
G tell
theD7 movies gonna make me a
G big star
'CauseA7 I can play the part so
D7 well
Verso 4
Well IG hope you come and see me in the
C movies
G then I know that you will plainly
D7 see
TheG biggest fool that ever hit the big
C time
andD7 all I gotta do is act natura
G lly
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