3 Acordes usados na música: C, G, F

Hi! I'm Pablo.
My name's Tyrone.
I'm Uniqua
I'm Tasha.
And my name's Austin. And we're
C -----G--- F-----C -----------------------F-----C
Your backyard friends, the Backyardigans!
C--G-F-----C-------------F ---- C
Together in the backyard again.
In the place where we belong. Where We'll prob'ly sing a song.
And we'll maybe dance along.
C-------------------G -------------C ------------- F ---------- G
We've got the whole wide world in our yard to explore.
C--------------G---------------------C -------------- F
We always find things we've never seen before
G----------------F -----------G -----F-----------C
That's why every day we're back for more
G --------F------C------------------- F--C
With your friends, the Backyardigans.
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