5 Acordes usados na música: G, D, Em, C, Bm
Veja estes acordes para o Barítono
Transpor cifras:
(G)Oh tell me (
That I don?t have to (Em)read
(G)Between the (
(G)Hey this is (
And you don?t have to (Em)keep
(G)Something heavy on your (
(D)Did you (
(D)Not a (
(Bm)Well (
G)neither did (
I've never been too good at reading in
Between the lines
So babe spell it out
But you don?t have to shout
When you?re talking to me
Do you care, Are you there
Well neither am I
Don?t lock your door
Everyone is poor
Between the lines
And I could never steal
The sadness that you feel
When you?re changing your mind
Oh my dear, Can you hear
Well neither can I
I wanna live and I want you to live
Happy and free
But I don?t how to separate the now
From what used to be
Will you sleep, not a wink
Well neither will I
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