Dial Up Tab de uke por Ted Leo

7 Acordes usados na música: B6, C#, Ebm, E6, B7, C#7, E

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Ano:  2001
Tom: desconhecidoAcordes
B6 B6               C# C#
Pack up what you own,
B6 B6 C# C#
and you dial up who you can phone,
Ebm Ebm C# C#
and you save up all your pennies,
Ebm Ebm C# C#
and we hope but, oh -- is there any --
Ebm Ebm C# C# E6 E6
and we wonder, oh, how can he put you out tonight?

B7 B7 C#7 C#7
Go back in your mind,
B7 B7 C#7 C#7
twenty years in time,
Ebm Ebm C# C#
and we'll go a-walking through your garden;
Ebm Ebm C# C#
see the trees you planted in your yard then.
Ebm Ebm C# C#
All your work, it didn't seem so hard then,
but it's hard tonight.

B7 B7 C#7 C#7
Five years further on,
B7 B7 C#7 C#7
from the stage it looked like we'd won,
Ebm Ebm C# C#
but how many of those who heard you play
Ebm Ebm C# C#
have gone their insouciant ways?
Ebm Ebm C# C#
And the streets run bloody to this day,
E6 E6
and to your house tonight.

Ebm Ebm C# C#
And we, still so touched,
Ebm Ebm C# C#
can we offer you that much
Ebm Ebm C# C#
more than those who you fought
Ebm Ebm C# C#
and who left you with nought,
E6 E6 Ebm Ebm
and who lied to you?
E6 E6 Ebm Ebm
They lied to you
E6 E6 Ebm Ebm
but this you always knew.

B6 B6 C# C#
So pack up your bulls and smalls,
B6 B6 C# C#
and we'll tack up your painting on our walls,
Ebm Ebm C# C#
and we'll write down all our songs then,
Ebm Ebm C# C#
and we'll right up all our wrongs then,
Ebm Ebm C# C#
and we'll tear up the streets a million strong then,
E6 E6
in your name tonight.

repeat E6 E6

*Comments : JonesieSucks@gmail.com

Tab de uke por desconhecido, 25 Jan 2009

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